
Tulpenrallye is a company focused on organizing an annual car rally event in the Netherlands. Since 1949, they have been hosting the Tulip Rallye, inspired by Dutch rally driver Maurice Gatsonides and French driver Marc Angelvin.

To offset all CO2 emissions from the 70th edition, Tulpenrallye is planting 3,500 trees in partnership with Life Terra. By the end of 2024, Tulpenrallye will host an event with Life Terra to plant these trees, with 50% in the Netherlands and 50% in France. This action supports sustainability and helps us maintain necessary exemptions in the future.

Our goal is to make the Tulpenrallye carbon-neutral as soon as possible. Naturally, the best solution for this is to reduce the emissions of the cars themselves. 

Website link: https://www.tulpenrallye.nl/