Politie Nederland

The Netherlands has one national police force that is comprised of ten regional units, and two central units tasked with specialised duties: the National Investigation and Special Operations, and the National Intelligence, Expertise and Operational Support.

In order to remain future-proof as an employer and to contribute to a future-proof society, the police give sustainability a place in the entire strategy of the organisation.

Sustainability is not in addition to the core tasks of the police, it contributes to them. It is a strategic theme in which the police look ahead and anticipate the increasing social and ecological importance of sustainability. A sustainable society is a safe society, which is why the police also do the right thing to do.

Politie Nederland combines sustainability and well-being by organising planting events for reintegrating employees and regional teams. With its sustainability programme, the police contribute to the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

They are taking a step forward for the sustainable employability of their employees and to minimise their environmental impact and thus reduce their ecological footprint.


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