Naranjas del Carmen

Masía el Carmen SL is an agricultural company producing over 13 crops across 6 farms in the Valencian region in Spain. The land is farmed under organic certification, and for the past three years, the company has been promoting strategies to regenerate the ecosystems encompassing their plots. These strategies fall within the management framework of Regenerative Agriculture, highlighting cover crops, holistic grazing, projects to reduce soil erosion due to heavy rainfall, and biodiversity hotspots, among others.

Beyond production, pursuing sustainability in all possible dimensions is a guiding principle that guides the company's daily operations. This philosophy gave rise to the business model that supports the company: the Crowdfarming model. By keeping a much closer connection with the end consumer, this model significantly reduces food waste by aligning harvest production more closely with sales. For this same reason, it streamlines the food supply chain to include only those actors who truly add value to it.

Naranjas del Carmen and Life Terra have planted the first 1,000 trees to increase biodiversity, enrich the soil and boost pollination on the farm. We hope to expand this collaboration in the near future.
