Expected results
The massive CC mitigation impact during this project is the capture and storage of carbon through the planting of trees. On average, each ha of land restored can capture approx. 200 tons of CO2e over a 40-year period. The carbon capture potential of the project is broken down below. Furthermore, the project will also generate huge positive environmental, social and economic impact across Europe, summarized in the following expected results for the LIFE project (July 2020-July 2025):
In demonstration phase (Y1-Y2):
Develop 1 platform and accompanying APP
Plant, geotag & monitor 1.2 million trees, thereby restoring 1,200 ha of land that captures 26,000 tons of CO2eq by the project’s end
Provide proof-of-concept for various nursery cultivation, planting and monitoring methods to increase efficiency in professional tree plantings, validated by Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
Generate external funding to finance the replication phase
In replication phase (Y3-Y5):
Expand & improve platform & APP
Plant, geotag and monitor 498.7 million trees, thereby restoring 498,700 ha of land that captures 3,536 million tons of CO2eq by the project’s end
Train European nurseries in sustainable substrate production, expand use of professional planting technology
Over the course of the whole project:
Teach STEM based sustainability lesson plans in 14,000 classrooms
Reach 100 million individuals through online dissemination and awareness raising
Engage 50 million people to plant trees, and 22,000 citizens to be trained volunteer Terra Leaders
Change behaviour in 25% of all individuals registered in platform
Create 50 direct FTE jobs in the consortium
Receive 3,000 press mentions
Provide a €500 million stimulus to the green economy