Bois de Rode Bos
Bois de Rode Bos, located close to Brussels, is an innovative nursery. Its mission is to create an experimental place in regenerative agroforestry and diversified fruit arboriculture to produce a varietal selection of climate resilient fruit trees.
They work with agroforestry entrepreneurs, food/nourishing forests, conservation agriculture, living agriculture, fermentation and composting techniques to create fertile and nutritious productive systems.
A important part of Bois de Rode Bos’ activities focus on finding climate resilient species and varieties of trees that can withstand temperature and precipitation “shocks”, ever more present in Belgium and all across Europe.
As it is Life Terra’s goal to help plant the “right tree in the right place”, the aspect of climate resiliency will become increasingly important. We are therefore happy to work together with the specialists of Bois de Rode Bos to trial new varieties, restore unproductive and destroyed land and help put the issue of resiliency on the map.
Link to website: