Visiting a regenerative village in Portugal
During our trip to Portugal, the Life Terra team visited Gandum Village. A regenerative village with a rural hotel, restaurant, and coworking and where food is grown in an agro-forest, waste is a resource, and all processes are circular.
Martina and João and their team are doing an extraordinary job. Last year we already collaborated with them by providing a small number of trees. This year we have continued our collaboration by providing them with approximately 14,000 trees and bushes of more than 20 different species such as wild olive trees, lentic trees, cork oaks, carob trees, fig-trees, and laburnum trees, among others.
A great variety of species will provide many ecosystem services to the village. In just over a month 5000 have already been planted. They have an incredible team, and the agroforestry is already looking incredibly beautiful. Even last year's trees have grown a lot. During the Ponto Dorvalho‘s event, on the 26th of November, they plan to plant some of these trees as well. If it’s not raining, they will be planting!
We are very happy to collaborate with them and to help them to reach their goal to show that people can live sustainably, in a circular economy that regenerates natural resources. It was a very rewarding visit. We wish you all the best and Let’s keep planting together!