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Reforesting with Centre Excursionista de Ròtova and students

Yesterday, on November 30, Life Terra organised an event together with the Centre Excursionista de Ròtova in the beautiful region of Ròtova, next to the Atanassi cliff.

Also, three local high schools participated in the tree planting: IES Joan Fuster - Bellreguard; IES Vall de la Safor - Villalonga; IES Gregori Maians - Oliva. More than 60 students could join us and plant trees while enjoying and restoring their local nature.

This region suffered fires 9 years ago and the Centre Excursionista de Ròtova wants to restore the area with local species with these plantings.

Thanks to Centre Excursionista de Ròtova, Mancomunitat de la Safor and the municipality of Ròtova for their commitment and effort last Tuesday and looking forward to the event on December 19th!