Reforestation weekend with Fantástico Bosque in Valdavido
Life Terra collaborated in the reforestation project Fantástico Bosque together with SEO BirdLife in Valdavido, León. Thanks to the participation of more than 120 volunteers and with the support of the Valdavido Neighbourhood, we planted more than 3,500 trees of 16 native species to reforest this area of high ecological value for its flora and fauna.
Specifically, five groves have been created of Mustard, Plum, Arraclán, Hazel, Alder, Ash, Willow, Oleander, Serb, Wild Apple, Cherry, Plum, Birch, Holly Birch, Pyrenean Oaks, Wild Rose, Yew and Maple.
It is important to plant the right trees on the right land. To do this, in the design of reforestation, the tree species that best adapt to the terrain must be chosen, as well as land that is suitable for forestry. In Valdavido we have sought to create a functional forest, made up of rich and varied species, so that it fulfils different functions such as providing shelter or food for other species, thus ensuring good reforestation.
This reforestation also achieves soil protection; the recovery and improvement of degraded habitats; the promotion of a corporate culture of environmental protection; the generation of green jobs for the local population and, also, the increase of the positive perception towards the natural heritage of the inhabitants of this region of León.
A new forest
All this has been possible thanks to the initiative, which involved 70 speakers and more than 800 people in an online meeting to raise funds, and the support of Life Terra and the Valdavido Neighbourhood Council in a restoration project designed by SEO/BirdLife.