Life Terra presents at the Global Changemakers project with Universitat Abat Oliba
Last Monday, May 17, Sven Kallen, Founder of Life Terra, presented the Life Terra project at the Global Changemakers conference at Universitat Abat Oliva CEU. Master students from the Food & Beverage Sustainable Entrepreneurship (FBSE) master at Abat
Oliba University Barcelona and at the University of Arkansas could participate in person and remotely to learn about the Life Terra project and how it drives social change through climate action.
We are happy to see that the interest in taking action towards climate change is growing, especially among young generations. We were really proud of the opportunity to participate and we hope to be able to organise more activities together. Thanks to the University Abat Oliba CEU and the University of Arkansas for the invitation.
You can find the presentation here.