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Healthy and thriving trees in Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal

The season is over, but our landowners keep us updated on the progress of our plantings. In this case, we are really happy to see that the trees and shrubs are thriving and growing healthy!

This project, called Vale de Casas Novas and located in Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal, focuses on regenerating the ecosystem surrounding the stream that runs through it —a stream that flows into the Lavre stream and ultimately feeds the Sorraia River, a tributary of the Tagus River.

The land managers densely replanted its bed, banks, and neighbouring slopes with a diverse array of mostly native species adapted to the local bioregion.

By using the techniques of Agroforestry with Dynamic Succession and Miyawaki Forest, they are expediting the revitalization of this neglected land. The main goal is to offer to those who will live or visit the area, a space to connect with nature and inspire them to contribute to the ongoing regeneration of more places on our planet.

Here you can see the preparation of the land and how it looked before the planting:

Now, for their first summer, the plants keep growing healthy and are thriving!

"The trees are taking a jump now with the hot weather and the first irrigations."

We are happy to see the great results and we hope to receive more good news in the future!