Avans University taking climate action again!
On Saturday the 12th of November, Life Terra planted trees with the alumni of Avans University. For the second year in a row, Avans University has gifted their graduate students a graduation tree which they could come and plant themselves. With a total of 150 students, we managed to plant 1000 trees. The remaining 5000 trees will be planted by the Municipality of ‘s-Hertogenbosch, after which every Avans graduate of this year will receive their personal graduation tree.
It was amazing to see the enthusiasm of the alumni in the field! Some of them planted enough trees for their entire class. After this hard work, there was hot chocolate and Glühwein available, and the chance for the students to catch up while enjoying the autumn sun.
This project is an example of a perfect collaboration according to us: the municipality of ‘s-Hertogenbosch provided the land, Life Terra organized the planting event, and Avans University made sure the trees were planted by their students. A great event that we would love to repeat.