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1st Monitor Meeting and 4th Steering Committee Meeting!

This week, on Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25, we celebrated our 4th Steering Committee Meeting and 1st Monitor Meeting (MM) with all the beneficiaries of Life Terra’s project.

On Wednesday, Life Terra’s beneficiaries met online to find out the most important highlights of the Foundation during this first planting season and to review and prepare the last details for the Monitor Meeting in a session that lasted four hours.

The next day, the Monitor Meeting kicked-off with an introduction of Neemo and Life Terra’s monitor, An Bollen. Afterwards, the four working groups of the project – technology, education, implementation, and communication – presented to the monitor their last updates and milestones achieved during this first planting season.  

More than 35 people from our 15 beneficiaries joined the session that, due the Covid-19 situation, was hold online via Zoom.

We are really proud of everything accomplished so far and we are really looking forward to our next planting season!
