Comité Internacional del Corredor Biológico Mundial

The Corridor Biológico Mundial aims to create a space for meetings, synergies, alliances, ideas, and projects from different parts of the planet that can develop significant advances in the extension of a Corridor Biológico Mundial (Global Biological Corridor).

All the members of the international committee are people or national and international institutions linked to the defense, study, and research of the environment, biodiversity, nature, oceans, as well as the study and knowledge of the following subjects: history and evolution of species, habitats, climate, whether through meteorology or data reflected in the geological heritage.

Als Life Terra haben wir uns dem Comité Internacional del Corredor Biológico Mundial und seiner Initiative angeschlossen, die dazu beitragen wird, eine bessere Zukunft für die nächsten Generationen zu schaffen und die Umwelt und die biologische Vielfalt zu schützen.

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