Collaboration with municipalities
Collaboration with municipalities and city councils is a key element for the success of our project. We must help each other if we want to accelerate the pace of climate action.
Planting events are a great way to reach out to citizens and encourage cooperation. At Life Terra, we have collaborated with many municipalities on different types of projects.
Find out how we can collaborate together and start greening your city council!

Miyawaki or urban forest
The Miyawaki Method is one of the most effective for rapidly creating forest cover on abandoned or degraded land previously used for other purposes, such as agriculture or construction.
Despite their compact dimensions, Miyawaki forests foster remarkable biodiversity and act as a "green lung" for the city, absorbing big amounts of carbon dioxide. Thanks to their high density, trees increase their regeneration rate by up to 10 times. Learn more.

Climate Shelter Spots
Planting trees in cities is crucial in creating "climate refugee spots" – safe havens where people can find relief from rising temperatures and environmental stress caused by climate change. Urban trees provide shade, cool the air, and help reduce the heat island effect. These green spaces act as natural buffers, making cities more resilient to climate extremes (such as heat waves) and improving the overall livability of urban environments.

Green schoolyards
Raising awareness among the younger generation is essential for fostering a sustainable future. Planting trees in schoolyards not only adds more greenery to the community but also serves as a hands-on way to teach children the value of environmental stewardship, starting with their own surroundings. Life Terra goes beyond tree planting by offering an engaging and interactive educational package, designed to inspire students to take climate action and understand the impact of their choices. Learn more here.

Advantages of collaborating with Life Terra
International visibility: be part of a unique movement to improve our planet present in more than 25 countries.
Opportunity to mobilise citizen action. Planting trees is a simple activity with real impact to carry out with citizens and promote environmental education and respect for the natural environment.
Contribute to the SDGs: planting trees is a relevant way to contribute to the UE Sustainable Development Goals.
Generate a tangible and real impact: tree planting is one of the most cost-effective nature-based solutions to sequester carbon. Tree planting plays an essential role in the fight against climate change.
Transparency: keep track of all your planted trees on our platform. You will find relevant information such as location, species, and an estimation of the CO2 captured.

Why should trees be planted in and around cities:
A greener municipality. Natural surroundings help reduce stress levels, offering sustainable leisure and recreation alternatives.
Water management. Strong vegetation cover helps to retain and filter rainwater, creating more fertile and drought-resistant soils. Trees planted in urban soil can help to mitigate flood effects.
Increasing biodiversity values. We plant a variety of autoctonous species. This helps to attract and conserve local wildlife.
More resilient ecosystems. A variety of local species adapted to local conditions makes for a more resilient ecosystem.
Temperature regulator. Trees are our best allies in capturing greenhouse gases. A greener municipality has more stable temperatures.
Reduce pollution. Planting trees helps to capture and filter harmful particles in the air, soil and water; increasing the health of citizens.

If you are interested in collaborating with us, please fill in the following form:
Life Terra & municipalities: success cases
Biggest planting event with Las Rozas City Council
The City Council of Las Rozas, a municipality in the Community of Madrid, has been collaborating with Life Terra since 2019. Together, we established a partnership with annual events for schools and citizens that culminates in a large family event with more than 4,000 participants. In total, we have engaged more than 10,000 neighbours into taking climate action in their municipality. You can read more about our collaboration here.

I believe that alliances have to be made to grow. In this case, to make towns and cities grow in order to go further.
Nice, France: From a car park to a Miwayaki forest
In collaboration with the City Council of Nice, a former car park was converted into a thriving new Miyawaki or Micro forest. First, the asphalt was removed and compost was mixed with the soil. Then, over several days in November 2022 around 50 citizens young and old helped plant, mulch and water 2,640 trees and bushes of 12 species. One year later this area is growing at 3 times the expected rate and is on its way to becoming a new “urban jungle”.

5,000 trees for the neighbours of Toulouse
In January 2024, Life Terra planted with 1,000 school kids and citizens to achieve a climate resilient Micro forest and restore a degraded neighbourhood in the city of Toulouse, France. More than 5,000 trees and bushes of 18 species will help to create a thriving new ecosystem within the municipality.

Planting event in Dublin city
In April 2022, Life Terra, with the support of EY Ireland, One Tree Planted and Easy Treesie, planted in Dublin's city. About a hundred years ago, only about 1% of tree cover was left on this big island, now the country has about 11%. We aim to increase that percentage in the coming years in collaboration with local partners.

2,500 new trees for the Canal Park in Den Bosch
In collaboration with and the municipality of 's-Hertogenbosch, Life Terra planted 2,500 trees in Canal Park to make the city a bit greener, help boost biodiversity in the surroundings and create a natural space for neighbours to enjoy.